Well, here he/she is! Our little angel to be. We had a 3D ultrasound this morning, and this is what we saw! Baby Vinson is doing really well and slept through the entire appointment. If you look closely, you can see that it has its little hand curled up under it's cheek-- that's how I sleep! Crazy, huh? We can't wait to meet our little Henry Davis or Ella Kate in just a few more weeks!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
My wonderful friends from the Junior League, Claire and Kellie, threw a Baby "Toy Shower" for me. It was so much fun, and Baby Vinson really got a lot of great toys. It is bound to be a real genius with all the Baby Einstein stuff we got. I also got my first copy of Good Night Moon, which I know will be memorized before too long :)
Also, these pictures are kept small for a reason-- they're all blurry! I guess it's time to invest in a new camera. We have a great one, but unless you're Chris, you can't get it on the right setting. I swear, for as much as it cost, it should auto adjust! It's a couple of years old, so I guess that's considered ancient by now. Hopefully the pictures in the future will be much better!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
This is one of the few side shots I'll be posting, but my belly has gotten so big in the last couple of weeks that I figured I should document it. Some girlfriends and I went to see AirSupply on Friday, and this is my Rocker Mom-to-be outfit. It was about all I could pull together that might seem appropriate for a "rock" concert. AirSupply was great-- those guys can really put on a show for being 30 years past their prime!!
Two Rocker Moms-to-be; Shay is 20 weeks and her baby girl is due in January '08.
After the concert we met the band and got some autographs (the one on the end is a t-shirt Laura got signed). In the middle is is one of the original AirSupply guys, Russell Hitchcock. When we met them after the show he actually leaned over the table and kissed my belly-- I really wish I had a picture of that!

Laura's Mom, Laura, Me and Shay
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
This week I had a business meeting with my team in Charleston, SC. We had a great meeting and got to have some fun, too.
Mark, Rusty, Bill, Kelly, Roberta, Kathleen, Me, Angela, Gary, and Stacey
The crew before dinner and having a few drinks (water for me!). A rickshaw is the only way to travel-- those College of Charleston guys have to make some spending cash, too! Finally, a true shot of the gang, with Rusty cheering on the team :)
So, on a pregnancy note, I am definitely pregnant now! Two weeks ago I was enjoying the "cuteness" of being pregnant, but now I'm totally feeling it. This baby thinks my belly is Studio 54-- it's definitely gonna have great rhythm because it's getting a lot of practice in utero. Maybe it's because I've been watching So You Think You Can Dance all summer! I'm also feeling the side effects of almost 8 months of pregnancy. You take so much for granted when you're not pregnant, like putting on socks and shoes. I guess the multiple bathroom breaks at night are to prepare me for all those late night feedings I'll have in just a couple of months. The pressure is pretty amazing and my back aches like an old lady! The heat isn't helping much, either. It's got to get cooler by October, though. At least football season is coming up which will keep my mind off the growing Baby Bulldog in my womb!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Here's me getting bigger, and a close-up of our baby-to-be.....
The most delicious and beautiful cake you've ever seen-- it may even rival some wedding cakes!
Mel got to feel a little bottom sticking out (I guess it's a bum, could've been the head, how should I know? I'm just the carrier!).
Amy-Christine and I, then Nic and I (I'm jealous of their non-maternity styles!)
After the shower we took the boat out on the river, what a great way to end a perfect day!

Chris got some presents, too, and the girls were just jealous that they weren't getting all the attention, so they took a nap outside.