Saturday, September 29, 2007
TN Aquarium
Chris' Work Shower

Wow, we could technically have a baby any day now. Well, except for the fact that I haven't even started progressing. My doc checked on Tuesday, nothing, nada, zilch. I'm kinda relieved b/c 1) I hadn't planned on going early and 2) I'd put off labor and delivery as long as possible-- fear of the unknown! We tend to carry babies for a couple extra weeks in my family, and we tend to have big ones. I was over 9 lbs and my "little" bro was almost a 10 pounder! Oddly, he was the runt the night he was born-- a whole football team must have been delivered that night! Chris was only 6ish, so maybe if we average our birth weights we'll have a normal sized baby.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wedding in the Mountains
This weekend our cousin, Marjorie, got married in a beautiful ceremony at Table Rock, SC. The setting was awe inspiring with the mountains and lake in the background.
Bride and groom, Marjorie and Paul, with her dad, Luther, toasting the new couple.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Counterspace: The New Frontier

Monday, September 17, 2007
Couples Shower and UT v FLA Football Party

Black is my new favorite color, how did I manage to forget it all during this pregnancy?!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Just chillin'
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Labor Day in Memphis
We (Chris, Jody, and I) took a road trip to Memphis this weekend. The main reason for the trip was so that Lauran, Kristen, and I could all go together to wedding dress shop for Lauran, who FINALLY got engaged two weeks ago. The other reason was to watch two big college football games on opening weekend (UGA v OkSt and UT v Cal).
How many shots does it take to get 3 girls to pose for a picture anyway?
Lauran is shocked at how big a belly can get, and there's still 7 more weeks for it to grow! We had a great time browsing through bridal magazines. It definitely brings back memories of planning my own wedding; I'm certainly not jealous of the planning she has ahead of her!
Anyone who knows me at all knows how I LOVE to have my hair brushed or "played with." Lauran and I barter: she brushes my hair if I give her a scalp massage-- it's a win-win deal!