Yep, the moment of truth came at 4:59pm Tuesday, October 30th. She's a beautiful baby girl and she'll steal your heart!

Good Morning, Miss Ella Kate!
Yep, the moment of truth came at 4:59pm Tuesday, October 30th. She's a beautiful baby girl and she'll steal your heart!
Good Morning, Miss Ella Kate!
Yep, still waiting. Tomorrow is a full moon, though, maybe that will encourage Baby to make an arrival! I'll keep you guys posted....
Even the girls wore packs! The funniest part was that we got their packs mixed up at first, Abbey looked hilarious and totally off balance with Lacey's pack on. She tried really hard to manage it, but finally just had to sit down. It was so funny we were almost delirious before we even started the hike!
The living room as things got worse. You can kinda see the couch covered w/ the yellow sheet and the side of the entertainment center (front right). That was our "recreation" area. I usually did all my computer work from there or my bed (or Starbucks). That's the same ent. center that now has been painted white and is in the "play room" which used to be our bedroom!
The view from the living room, through the old dining room, and into the "new addition" dining room.
The view from the old dining room into the kitchen. Yes, there is an ugly brown chair and ottoman parked in front of the fridge. We had to move it every time we needed to get something to drink, and then move it back to get out of that room!
These are just a few pictures of the chaos we lived in for almost a year. It was worth it, though. I'm very glad we did it BEFORE we had a baby. It definitely has paid off, and we enjoy our dream creation more every day. But, as anyone who has ever built or renovated a home will tell you, there's always something more you want. So, although it's a dream house, it's not the dream house, so in the coming years, we'll end up doing this again. But the next time, it will be a new house on the lake!
The bathroom is decorated, but I know it will be a while before we're going to be using this stuff. Still, it looks pretty cute, huh?
And finally, the play room. Chris found a great company who sells these floor mats through e-bay. The little table and chairs came from his house-- he used them as a little kid. The cabinet is our old entertainment center that we've painted white. This will be a great room for all the toys and if we can get Chris out of it, a great room for the baby to play in.