Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Pictures
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This second bunch of pictures are from two trips to the little playground at the mall. This was the first real time that she got to "play" at a public playground, mostly b/c it was the first week she was really getting good at that whole walking thing. She's a pro now, though! She also thinks she'll be a gymnast or perhaps a trapeze artist in the circus! She's a wild woman: fearless, inquisitive, and rambunctious! She wears us out, but we enjoy every moment of it. She totally makes us laugh and we are constantly calling to each other to come see what new wonderful thing she's discovered.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Ella Kate's One Year Update
As amazing as it seems, she's been with us for a whole year now, and what a year it's been. I can not believe how far we've come in just 12 months. It's true that you forget all those painful moments (L&D) and the sleepless nights. When we remind ourselves of where we were this time in '07 it just makes us cringe! I am proud of us for having survived the first year as new parents and everyone still has all limbs and hair in tact AND we even remembered to feed the dogs!
Ella Kate had her 1 year check up today, so I thought I'd do a post on her development thus far.
First off, her stats, and as a disclaimer, yes, she's small, but the doc says she's right on track in her growth curve. Where did we get a shortie from? Who knows? Maybe she'll be an Olympic gymnast!
- Weight: 19.8 lbs-- 23%
- Height: 28 1/4 in-- 17%
- Head circumference: 44.9 cm-- 39%
- She's got two teeth on the bottom and 4 more coming in on the top.
- She's walking like crazy, with only a little bit of crawling when she really wants to get somewhere fast.
- She's babbling, in her own language, and says "mama," "dada," and "bop-bop" (which means dog). She signs for food and milk, but not really consistently. She blows kisses and waves hello and goodbye.
- She found her belly button last week and is fascinated with it and giggles when we show her ours.
- She laughs all the time and dances, too. She got a Sesame Street toy for her birthday that has Cookie Monster singing "C is for cookie, and cookies are for me. Yum yum yum yum!" She loves to push that button and dance to Cookie Monster.
- She stacks blocks and bowls and loves to put small objects inside bigger ones. The fun toy that looks like something from a Dr. Seuss book from Aunt Amy-Chris is a favorite b/c when she rolls a ball down the chute it makes a cool sound. So she tries to put all of her toys down the chute, even if they don't fit!
- At school she's a great eater-- they say she's the smallest but eats the most. She's in a phase where everything has to be finger foods and turns her head at anything on a spoon (except yogurt and applesauce). She tries to use utensils, but it's a very messy and pretty futile process.
- She has allergies, like her mama, and is on Singulair which has been a life saver in the congestion department!
- Every night we have a routine with the menthol rub, the menthol fan, the humidifier, the sound machine, the space heater, and the night-night frog that plays lullabies-whew, we need a check list!
- And last, although I'm ashamed to admit that I'm one of those moms, EK was chosen to be a model for Euro Kids Boutique. I'll post more on that as it progresses.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Ella Kate's First Birthday Party
Ella Kate had a great time at her party and so did everyone else. She was joined by a total of 45 people- 30 adults and 15 kids- at our house to celebrate her first amazing year. The weather was perfect in the 70's with clear skies and just a little bit of wind to toss the balloons around. The kids ran all over the house from the play room watching Happy Feet, to the dining room with the food, to the patio where the drinks and dogs were located. It was a wonderful day! Ella Kate was in perfect spirits the whole day. She even sat through two rounds of "Happy Birthday" so that I could get it on video. This video is so perfect and precious it just makes me smile every time I watch it (and yes, we've watched it over and over!). She also made it through three wardrobe changes and I guess the icing gave her an energy burst to keep it going through the opening of all of her presents. She loves the crowd and hams it up for any attention, oh what we have to look forward to!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Birthday, Ella Kate!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wow, what a Sunday!
First stop, well actually the second stop, was at West Park Baptist Church for Bree's dedication ceremony. It was our second stop b/c we accidentally went to the wrong church, Park West Church (see the confusion in the names!)-- we even got so far as to register EK at their nursery before we realized we were at the wrong place!

Tinkerbell even won an award in the costume contest, she was named the "sweetest," and we wholeheartedly agree :)