Finally got some pictures uploaded from the last few weeks. About a month ago Mimi and Pops (aka Chris' parents) were so gracious to take Ella Kate for a weekend and give us a couple of baby free days! I was heading to Charlotte to visit with Amy-Chris and met Linda, and her sister Deanna, in Asheville where we traded off Ella Kate and a whole trunk load of her stuff!
Ella Kate did really well, and Chris and I were so grateful to have a weekend free of bottles, diapers, crying, and pureed food! We missed her, of course, but we knew she was in good hands, so we weren't worried. The only thing to worry about was whether or not Mimi and Pops would give her back!
Amy-Chris and I had a nice weekend husband, baby, and fiance free! It was nice to catch up and have some quality time. We spend most of that Saturday contemplating bridesmaids dresses, colors, fabrics, lengths, flowers, reception decorations, menus, and lots more wedding details. Of course, we had to take an obligatory self portrait-- just like the ones from college :)

Then at the beginning of the month was Shay's birthday and another fun girl's night. We had dinner at
Bonefish and followed with drinks at Table 15. Happy Birthday, Shay! We all had a great time!
Thursday we did Boo at the Zoo and Ella Kate got to get dressed up in her very first Halloween costume. Those pictures are on the other camera, so I'll have to upload them later. This one is from the aftermath-- the fairy costume has been removed and our little pumpkin is now playing in a big pumpkin bowl. She loves all the little Halloween do-dads-- stickers, cups, mini pumpkins, and straws. Isn't it amazing the things they can be entertained by?
On Friday Ray, aka Pops, came by to do a little work on Chris' storage building/workshop. He got a few minutes of quality time with his favorite "Little Buddy" who was attempting to take some first steps.
I'll upload the ones from the other camera soon-- they are from the pumpkin patch, the hay ride and pumpkin patch with the Simpsons, and Boo at the Zoo.