Ok, ok, yes, I know I've been a blogging slacker lately. I have a lot of catching up to do, so I'll have to do it in separate posts.
First set of pictures are from Chris' 15 year high school reunion. Yes, the Franklin High School graduating class of 1993 managed to have a reunion where more than ten people showed up!
This second bunch of pictures are from two trips to the little playground at the mall. This was the first real time that she got to "play" at a public playground, mostly b/c it was the first week she was really getting good at that whole walking thing. She's a pro now, though! She also thinks she'll be a gymnast or perhaps a trapeze artist in the circus! She's a wild woman: fearless, inquisitive, and rambunctious! She wears us out, but we enjoy every moment of it. She totally makes us laugh and we are constantly calling to each other to come see what new wonderful thing she's discovered.

Funny mirror

Big goofy car and another kid

Very excited about her "salad bar"
Perfecting her walking with the hairbrush and snacks in hand

On her favorite ride of all, Daddy's shoulders!