Ok, ok I know I've been a blogging slacker lately. It's not that I haven't meant to post and catch up on everything in the last couple of months, but we've been SO busy around here! Here's a brief synopsis since the last post.
The next week Ella Kate was diagnosed with another ear infection and this was really concerning b/c she was put on Clindamycin (nasty nasty nasty antibiotic) which smells like floor cleaner even when it's flavored with lemon, strawberry cream, or grape. She'd had bad diaper rashes when on antibiotics in the past, so I was mostly concerned about that and also C-Diff. The clinda was 7ml 3 times a day and EK HATED it. I mean really really hated it. We had to hide it in anything we could find, and really, nothing worked more than once or twice before she'd wise up to us and refuse-- even a chocolate Frosty from Wendy's! A couple of times it even made her throw up (unfortunately both times were on my brother- sorry Uncle Joe, welcome to babies!). We did learn to successfully combat the diaper rash, and maybe the c-diff, by loading her up with probiotics: yogurt, Keifer, and probiotic granules (which oddly made her wet diapers smell like buttered popcorn) and it worked! Not one spot of diaper rash!
In the midst of this mess I had to go to LA for work for a week which just made me even more stressed out. By this point I was adamantly voicing my concerns to the pediatrician. EK had chronic double ear infections from December through February. Within 10 days of completing one round of antibiotics another infection would set in. She had constant congestion and even developed an antibiotic resistant strain of strep in her nose and a different one in her ear. I was really pushing for tubes at this point, but the pediatrician wanted to get through cold season and see if things cleared up. The plan was to finish the Clindamycin and then put her on low dose amoxicillin for 6 weeks. Seeing as how we already had developed those resistant strains I was not excited about putting her on yet more antibiotics. Regardless, I went to LA with a follow up visit to check her ears scheduled for the following Saturday. At this point the ears were looking mostly ok and we were to finish the Clinda and start the amox. By the end of that week, before we could get the amox filled, she was acting fussy again so I took her in and yep, double infection. We got yet another round of Clinda prescribed, filled, and flavored (whole 'nother story there) and scheduled a visit to the ENT for the following week. In the mean time, that weekend we took a family trip with my brother and dad to visit my 97 year old Grandmother (Dad's mom) in NC for her birthday. Great weekend- EK loved the attention from all the people at Gran-Gran's retirement home. On the way home we ran into that huge snow storm that hit NC; not fun to drive in, but we made it back to Knoxville (which hadn't seen a single flake!). So on Tuesday we went to the ENT, scheduled surgery for tubes and adenoid removal for Wednesday, and by Friday we had a new baby. Seriously! It worked that well. Amazing! Dr. Joe Graves was fantastic! That was the first week in March and things have been much less eventful since. Lauran came in town at the end of the month to run the Knoxville 1/2 marathon and then last weekend EK and I went down to GA to see my parents. This week Chris is gone to DC for work, but will be home on Friday in time for the Easter egg hunt on Saturday and church on Sunday. Whew! I'll try not to let it go so long next time!
At the ENT for our surgery follow up visit. A totally different baby from the last time we were there!

Getting ready for bed with Gama
Don't worry, it looks scarier than it was, that slide was only like 3 feet off the ground and Gama (my mom) is right there beside her.
Sliding with Aunt Katey
My neighbor Jill ran the race too, again, a fast one!
Lauran came in town to run the Knoxville 1/2 marathon. While I was busy having a baby she's been speed training and has gotten fast!!! Glad she waited for me at the finish line :)
I'd give way more than $1000 for this little outlaw!
EK eating some delicious birthday cake-- notice how she holds the fork all by herself!
The Ellis' have such a great back yard for kids! A bounce house, swing set, trampoline, and a fort-- who needs a playground?!
Who needs a Big Wheel when you have a diaper box to ride around in?!
Getting ready for surgery-- love that Happy Juice!
Going down the twisty slide with Mommy

Playing on the playground at Bearden Elementary.
Her first car date with Noah Hagg at his birthday party.
She looks like a little person, not just a baby!
Daddy's girl :)
EK riding around in Gran-Gran's walker!
Hard to get babies and great-grandmothers to pose for pictures!
She had a great time playing on the big bed at the hotel.
Lovin' the phone at the hotel during our trip to NC to see Gran-Gran.
Opening her birthday present from the Lewis'-- she loved to tear the paper and the gift, a tea pot that sings in a slightly British accent and teaches manners!
Favorite past time-- books!
Isn't it funny how babies can sleep in any position?
Ella Kate and her daddy