Daddy's Girl
Family shot- only one we got the whole trip!
So tired after a long day of fun. This was the day we saw the turtles at dinner, but apparently we only took pictures with our phones, so I'll have to upload those later.
Chris (and Ella Kate) surprised me with a wonderful Mother's Day gift! Triple strand pearl necklace and matching bracelet. I felt so dressed up! A nice distraction from the belly :)
Such a big girl eating cereal with milk all by herself at the counter. She did a GREAT job and didn't spill or make a mess. Such a sweet angel!

'Taking a picture.' She likes to have a picture already on the screen so that when she "takes" it she can see her creation.
Dancing at dinner. She's loving all the local restaurants with live music and open dance floors! Wish we had more of this back home. She loved it (and all the attention she got didn't hurt her ego a bit!).

Ella Kate quickly introduced herself to Max the 10yr old 'puppy' and his owner Jake. Jake, probably about 4 or 5 seemed a little too bashful to dance with her, although his mom encouraged him. It actually gave me a brief glimpse of what middle school could be like! He looked at Ella Kate (spinning and 'dancing' to the music) and almost blushed as he looked back at his mom. SO CUTE!

Oh, how we love the local seafood joints! Red's was certainly not small, but it was great. Shrimp caught right there on the Shem creek. Live music- they even played Rocky Top (can we NEVER escape that song?!). Great food and atmosphere!
Ella Kate's first golf (ok, putt-putt) outing
I believe Chris has been waiting for this day his whole life: teaching one of his kids to play golf. He tried to get her to do the right stance and hold the club properly. She was excited about putt-putt all day and really did well- until she saw the turtle shaped sand boxes around hole 14-- it was all downhill from there!
Got the stance down!

Ella Kate the golfer, not the pitcher! (That's what he always tells me when I'm playing, which isn't often.)
Now, if only I could get this ball to stay on the tee!

Umm... how do I hold this thing again, Daddy?
Good drive, Daddy.
Gotta line it up just right for my putt.
Gettin' close!
Sometimes we just have to make that little ball go where we want it!
One more lesson from Daddy.
Ooooh, I'm getting good at this! (notice the grip!)
I even look like a pro!
Do I need to be your caddy, too?
At the end of the day, I am still just a 2 1/2 year old, and playing in the water is just too much fun to pass up!
Back to the ocean. Ella Kate loves the waves, as long as she's being held!
IOP 2010 (IOP means Isle of Palms)