Ella Kate had her 4 week check up today. She's up to 9lbs and 21.5 inches. That puts her in the 49% for weight and 61% for height. She had a nice screaming fit while we were there and made it a little difficult to do the exam. Once we finally got her calmed down everything went well. She must have been showing off her great lung capacity! The pediatrician says she has "spunk!" She's got good eye movement, head/neck control, and good skin. I guess that's about all, but next visit she'll start getting vaccines-- I bet that appointment's gonna be fun!

Chris has asked me a million times what I wanted for my 3oth birthday. I hadn't seen anything I really wanted, so we went out today and looked some more. I love pearls, diamonds, and sapphires so I was thinking some earrings or a pendant. We saw this set as soon as we walked in the door and I just loved them!
Beautiful gift! Happy 30th birthday. She's beautiful, too!
I like it and it looks like you!
Kathryn, She is gorgeous. I have a work question. Who can I contact about Emend for injection? What is your email so that I can email you updates to my blog????I feel like I know you so well now. You are my first Georgia friend. I am sure you were pulling for the Cats this weekend. That's OK. Pull for my Vols saturday...TIffany
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