She loves this rainforest mat!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Week 12

Tummy Time video. I know it looks like I'm putting her through torture, but when she looks up at the mirror she seems excited. "They" say you gotta give 'em tummy time every day, so here we go!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Ella Kate Speaks!
Finally!! We got a video of EK "talking." Unfortunately, the picture is really dark. Still, it's the most we've gotten on video. It's precious, if you ask me, but I am a little biased!
Who is that baby in the mirror?
Ok, she may be my daughter, but this is the funniest thing I've seen her do yet! It's a little long, but the laugh at the end is the best!
Friday, January 18, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Ella Kate's first trip to church. Oh, she's SO cute, I could just eat her up!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Four generations in one picture. Grandmommie is Dad's mom and I was the first girl born on that side of the family since Grandmommie (62 years). It was a big deal when I came along! Even after me there were more boys, then the girl explosion happened, and I've continued it with my own little girl!
Just a sample of Ella Kate's Christmas presents. A baby gym/ play mat that matches the other rain forest themed Fisher Price gear she's gotten. Next to the swing, this has been the best purchase we (I mean Santa) made. She hates spending time on her back, but this gym has flashing lights (big plus) and music. She will actually stay on it for more than 5 minutes, sometimes up to 15 or 20! It's been a great treat for us!
The second picture is of just a few of the many many outfits she got at the after Christmas sales. What makes these so special is that these are all from Pops, and he picked them out himself (ok, he may have had some help from the sales ladies)!
Mimi and Pops with their favorite Christmas gift!
EK in the above mentioned swing. This thing has saved our life! It would be worth it even if it cost a gazillion dollars! She has spend numerous hours in this thing. Several nights she's slept in it, and I believe there may have been whole days she's stayed in it. It has been the only thing that she's comfortable in! She doesn't like the bouncy seat and she resists sleeping on her back. So, there you go. Swing, Baby, swing :)
More of Chris' creative cooking. The smiley is a nice touch, huh?