Every mother that has ever nursed a baby knows what I'm thinking here: no one will ever see this baby from the same view as me. Every time I feed her, as I gaze on in wonderment, I think of how, once she's grown, I'll never see her from this angle again. I know there's no way to capture just what I see, kinda like how you saw your wedding day through such different eyes as everyone else, but for posterity's sake, I'm trying. I got Chris to stand over us and take this picture, and it's pretty good, but I guess I'll never get on film like it is in my mind. When I'm feeding her she's a different little baby than the one everyone else gets to see and play with. She's my little soul mate, my little angel, my new best friend, my little "mini-me." We communicate, we talk, we read each other's minds (or at least what I like to think she's thinking!). When someone else plays with her I almost shock myself by thinking, "that's a different baby!" It's like a split personality, I guess I've interpreted her as someone completely different than what I see when other people are around. OK, that sounds crazy, but it makes sense to me!
We've been eyeing this coffee table for a while now. It matches our living room perfectly and it finally went on sale at the World Market. We set up EK on her bouncy seat (yeah! she finally will hang out in the bouncy seat for longer than 30 seconds!) while we assembled the table. Ok, while Chris assembled the table and I just puttered around cleaning up the scraps of packing material. What would I do if I hadn't married a manly man? There are so many little things he fixes around here, he's awesome!

Here's the final shot of the table. See what I'm talking about matching?! The slate and darker wood go perfectly with our fireplace's slate hearth and the armoire is a darker wood, too.

EK at the end of the project. Just tuckered out! She's blissfully asleep. Wouldn't it be great to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere knowing someone else would take care of you?

We had photographers to take our shot before we went to church this morning b/c Mimi and Pops were in town this weekend. We managed to not get any pictures of Mimi and Pops, though-- how do we always forget? We had a nice weekend, and even got free baby sitting out of the deal! Last night Chris and I actually left the house by ourselves for 4 whole hours to go to the movies. Woo hoo!!! We saw National Treasure 2, it was great!!! Thanks, Mimi and Pops!

After lunch we had a bath and got all snuggly in our Pooh bath bag. Love the little ears on the hood! Her big deep blue eyes remind me of blueberries! I wonder if they'll stay that blue?
Tummy Time video. I know it looks like I'm putting her through torture, but when she looks up at the mirror she seems excited. "They" say you gotta give 'em tummy time every day, so here we go!
1 comment:
Hope your coffee table doesn't end up like mine, with teeth marks all the way around it...and now stored upstairs!
EK is sooo cute all dressed up going to church and y'all are such a cute little family! I hope that I have a girl so I can dress her all cute like that!!
If you scroll back to Chase's 12 week picture, it looks a lot like EK doing her tummy time, very torturous!
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