Ella Kate's been pretty busy the last week or so. Here are a bunch of pictures of her most recent adventures!

Shannon got married last weekend in Augusta, GA. Ella Kate and I made a BIG adventure out of that trip. These pictures are in reverse order, so it ends with the wedding.
Ella Kate in her wedding attire (nothing says a wedding like Scottie dogs!) at the nursery during the ceremony.
EK with her mommy and Aunt Amy-Chris.
A little video of EK "dancing" at Shan's reception.
Saturday night there was a cook out to celebrate with Shan and Alan. Our good friend Amanda was also there (these are all college girls from the W-- over 10 years we've known each other!). I think it may be time for Amanda to have a new baby-- she instinctively reached for EK the whole weekend! Her baby, Kyla Rose, is 2 1/2 yrs now, so it's time!
Saturday afternoon we found this beautiful nursery just outside of Augusta. It was a floral oasis in the middle of the woods!
Saturday morning with Aunt AC. What a cute pair! I think she's a natural-- she'll be tying that knot herself soon, so maybe we'll see some little tiny baby AC's running around before too long!
My Daddy, EK's Papa, has been staying with us since I went back to work and until our nanny starts. So for the last few weeks we've all been spoiled rotten. Dad watches EK during the day and even cooks for us most nights. We are so lucky to have him around!
Kristi and I ran the Knoxville 1/2 marathon last week. Chris and Ella Kate came to cheer us on along the course. It was a great race, but I'm still not up to my pre-baby pace. More training would have helped, but it's really hard to figure that out with a new baby in the house!

After the race EK joined me on the bed for a nap. She played for a while, then zonk! She was out like a light. Chris walked in to the scene on the right and said it looked like the rainforest collapsed on her head. In reality it was that EK was right in the middle of playing with a toy in each hand when she fell asleep. Precious!