Ella Kate got some adorable bows and headbands this week. I figure since she has no hair we'll put some big bows on her head to make up for it! Check out Pretty Little Princess for Audrey's talents. They can custom make just about anything you want!
Thank you, Aunt Angie, for this adorably precious outfit from Janie and Jack. It is one of Ella Kate's favorites :)

Abbey Kate and Ella Kate at Jacob's birthday party. When Ella Kate's big enough to move around these two will have some really fun play dates! Her mommy, Heather (see below), and I have big plans for them at Sprout and the Zoo!

Finally! Miss Ella Kate got to meet Ms. Donna! We've tried to schedule a visit since EK was born but things kept coming up. Donna was great with EK; she's a natural! Maybe she'll have one of her own... hint hint!!!

EK just chillin'. I thought it looked like she was lounging-- like if she was on the beach she'd have a little mini cocktail in one hand!

Bedtime story-- we were reading Goodnight Gorilla-- one of the books we got from the Imagination Library. If you live in TN you should check out this program!

So many new things! We're working on sitting up and doing a pretty good job, with the help of a Boppy pillow. Also, we're experimenting with a sippy cup-- so far we just chew on it! You can see Lacey in the background, she's getting better with the baby-- still a little skiddish, but we're hoping that as EK grows Lacey's patience with her will grow as well!
What a big girl! Sitting up AND drinking out of a sippy cup! And I LOVE the ice cream cones outfit!!
She is really doing lots of new things! We have that triangle toy- Murph loves it! Love all the outfits and bows- what a little fashion plate!
Hey! Thanks for the information about the Imagination Library. We have it in AL. I was trying to read about it on-line but had trouble finding the cost. Does only the registration packet cost and if so, how much? Thanks for the information.
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