Ella Kate was really tickled by these bubbles, but couldn't quite understand where they went as soon as she touched them. We now keep a little bottle in the car for entertainment on long trips!
The rest of our trip to Atlanta; the Georgia Aquarium!

Growing up in GA and always vacationing on the coast of Georgia or the Carolinas, I've been stung my share of times! Regardless, I am endlessly fascinated by these beautiful creatures. As amazing as they are, I dread the day EK comes in contact with one!
We lucked up and got to enjoy a free jazz concert-- apparently this is a regular Friday evening thing. It was really cool to listen to jazz as we toured the world's largest aquarium. It was a great evening and we can't wait to go with Ella Kate when she's old enough to enjoy it.
Think EK got any attention while we were gone???
OOOOHHHH, we missed her so much! It was great to be on our own schedule for the first time in 7 months, but we missed her so much! I called Mom every other 5 minutes to see what little thing she was doing at that moment. Mom gave her an old pot and lid and she had a great time banging them together and on the floor. She was spoiled rotten, and we were happy to let them!
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