Rainy day with Daddy. Notice how we can't let go of the spoon or our toes!

A crawl is upon us! We are really working hard toward this crawling thing. She'll roll across the room to get a toy, but she'll get tired of that soon. Needless to say, we will be baby proofing the house soon, like this weekend soon!

A crawl is upon us! We are really working hard toward this crawling thing. She'll roll across the room to get a toy, but she'll get tired of that soon. Needless to say, we will be baby proofing the house soon, like this weekend soon!
Ella Kate and her best friend, Bree, who is 2.5 months younger. So, notice that Bree is as long, if not longer, than Ella Kate. I hope EK has a growth spurt soon, or she's gonna end up like her mama, short! Now, wouldn't it figure she'd get my height genes instead of Chris' (he is 6'2"!). I am the only short one in my family, most everyone is 6'ish and they're all really tall on Chris' side. Oh well, finger's crossed!

Happy Baby
She is seriously the happiest baby ever! It's such a joy to be around her! And I LOVE that toothless big grin I get from her. Unconditional love, well at least for now. What age is it that they start to get attitude?
We've been eating a lot more solid food-- we even started Cheerios a couple of weeks ago. She sits in her high chair (thanks, Brad & Jeff!) like such a big girl. She plays with her own spoon as I feed her, so maybe she'll be doing it on her own one of these days.

We've been eating a lot more solid food-- we even started Cheerios a couple of weeks ago. She sits in her high chair (thanks, Brad & Jeff!) like such a big girl. She plays with her own spoon as I feed her, so maybe she'll be doing it on her own one of these days.
never mind babysitting practice I would take all 3 to bed, slooooooooooooooowly strip them naked and practice making babies with them, sweet, tight pre teen pussy
how about some cock for your mouth instead of a spoon?
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