Oh, Kristine, how we will miss you! Kristine has been our wonderful, sweet, patient, doting nanny this summer. EK and Bree have enjoyed their time with Miss Kristine who has learned all about their little quirks. She's been so fantastic and spoiled us rotten. Too bad she has to complete her education! Pre-school will be a hard adjustment for us all.
Before a quick trip on the boat I went to get EK up from her nap and this is what I was greeted by! It's a really good thing we had lowered her crib mattress the day before. Now I gotta put that rail guard on the crib so she doesn't eat all the finish off!
Drink Responsibly!
The doggies got to enjoy the water, too! They also love to watch from above and lounge around in the sun :)
All dry and cuddly and slurping on some frozen pineapple. Lacey is a great baby sitter! She even lets EK grab at her paws. EK is fascinated by the wagging doggie tails-- they make her giggle, and it's so cute!

We has so much fun on the boat we decided to blow up her little pool. She really enjoys the water-- even bath time-- and had a great time splashing with Daddy.
Another shot after church with Pooh. She was so wiggly that day that this was the best shot of the whole bunch-- at least she wasn't sticking out her tongue!!
EK and Julianna on the left and then EK and Bree on the right-- notice a theme here? EK is totally pulling up and "standing" to play with her friends.

Just a few action shots of Ella Kate and Bree. Typical, EK is beating up on Bree, who is so patient with EK's antics!
My Mom and her good good friend from childhood, Louise, at the 23rd annual "Book Brunch."
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