Holly's little girl, Anna Claire, turned 2 last week! Her party was a lot of fun and all the kids had a blast!
Holly's twin, Heather, was there (of course!) with her little one, Abby Kate, whose 1st birthday party was the first party Ella Kate ever went to! We always have a great time with these girls and we look forward to many more years of birthday parties!

Abby Kate and Ella Kate attacking Jim, Heather and Holly's dad.
Ella Kate showed the most personality when she was being pushed in the swing. The higher she went the bigger her smile and the happier her giggle. We may need to start investigating play sets!
The mini-bounce house was a big hit, and when the big kids weren't around Ella Kate got a chance to try it out, too. She was a little unsteady at first, but she really seemed to like it. Another kiddie investment we may have to look into! What ever happened to tire swings and sand boxes?

Toward the end of the afternoon EK was getting a little fussy and tired. She crawled over to the baby bed (little antique doll bed) and I put her in it. At first, I think she thought that Cabbage Patch Kid was a real baby b/c she smiled really big at it, then she just chewed on its foot. She is about the same size as the doll, so I can understand the confusion!

How did I get ready for the party? Well, while trying get some laundry done and attend to EK and get dressed myself I discovered this little trick (which I'm sure has a limited time warranty!). Put the baby in the basket with the laundry and give her a makeup brush and you may get enough time to do your own makeup!!
Chase still loves to get in the laundry basket! Although he can also get out!
We bought Chase a swing for his first birthday and he loved it! There's a picture on the blog of him asleep in the swing in our front yard on his bday. :)
I think that EK would like that!
2 is perfect, strip her naked and finger her pussy, watch her kick , giggle and squeal then lay her down, spread her legs and suck it until she bucks and quivers to her first baby orgasm make her pussy mine
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