Life is getting better in the Vinson household. We are officially a family of four now, but we have been temporarily a family of five as my brother, aka Uncle Joe, has been graciously staying with us for a few weeks to help us get settled into the swing of things. Amelia is crying less and less and is getting better at being awake without constantly fussing/crying. The silent reflux seems to be treated well with Prilosec, so long as we remember to give it to her! She's gaining weight just fine and we'll have another check up next week for her 2 month. She is amazing to look at when she's peaceful, which we are just now getting to enjoy. It feels like these first 2 months of her life have been a blurr of soothing, shushing, bouncing, feeding, and a lot of asking WHY???? She is holding her head up, looking around, and following sounds. She smiles and occasionally even gives little giggles and coos. She still eats about every 2.5-3 hrs, but we're working on going longer. She is a beautiful baby and we are just thankful that we've survived almost 8 weeks. I think if we can get to 12 we'll be even better!
Ella Kate has been truly amazing in this transition. She always asks for Amelia (pronounced Mil-i-a) and has named every new toy or doll after her (and even my new work car!). We have a new toy horse named Millie and a monkey named Mil-i-a. She kisses her gently and tries to shush her and tell her it's alright, every thing's ok. She offers suggestions on how to stop her crying- "maybe her hungry? maybe her need to burp? maybe her need new diaper? maybe her need some lip gloss!" I am thankful every day that I have such a sweet angel in Ella Kate. She is so well behaved and mild mannered- if she was a "spicy" one like Amelia just might turn out to be we surely would have gone insane by now!

I just thought this one was cute b/c of Amelia's eyes wide open- wonder what she saw or is thinking?
My Girls!
Ella Kate and Uncle Joe, our savior!
Thanksgiving/my birthday morning. The boys let me sleep in and Chris even wore Amelia around for a while. We all hung out in our pj's and ate junk food- sausage balls and pumpkin pie. We took a long family walk- me with Amelia, Chris with EK, and Joe with the 3 dogs (his dog Kita is here visiting, too). It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed every moment!
Our Thanksgiving dinner. Notice me wearing Amelia- finally got that Moby wrap figured out. She likes it there, but she won't let me sit down, which makes eating dinner a challenge!
MY PANTRY!!!! Finally, a project we've been talking about for months, has been completed! Chris, Jody, and Pops started working on the frame a couple of weeks ago and finished the shelves, which slide out, this weekend. Now I get the challenge of deciding what goes where! J and I started pulling the kitchen apart today and rearranging all the cabinets. Woo-Hoo! Fun times! I do so get a thrill out of organizing :)