Snow on Tuesday
This is as much snow as we could expect here in Knoxville. I realized that it's seriously more than we've had in the last 5 years b/c Abbey had never seen snow. It was cute how she very carefully placed each paw.
Wednesday night, date night!

For my 30th birthday gift Melissa said she'd give us a free night of babysitting. It's only been 3 months, but we finally took her up on it. We went out for sushi, which I hadn't had since before I got pregnant, and a movie, Vantage Point. It was so nice to get out for 4 whole hours by ourselves. Thanks, Mel, you're the greatest!
Thursday: Mother Goose with George and Mel
So here are Ella Kate and George at Mother Goose. They have so much fun doing their songs and listening to stories. Ella Kate had a whole "conversation" with George at one point, I wonder if they understand each other? Check the shot of them holding hands, it's a little blurry, but it was so cute!
The Weekend: Ella Kate's first road trip!
We went to Memphis to meet Baby Julianna and visit with Kristen, Phil, and Chase. For her first road trip she did great! She slept most of the way to Nashville, then we stopped to stretch our legs and feed her, and she slept most of the way on to Memphis! We worried that she'd be up all night, but she slept all the way through!
In my mind
EK is the same size she was the day she was born, but put her next to 2 week old Julianna and she looks all grown up!
EK may be about 8 times as old as
Ju Ju right now, but soon they'll be the best of friends!
Daddy playing w/
EK on Saturday am. I think they were making a tent out of the covers.
We took a trip out to Kristen's parents farm and while loading everyone into the new mini van we put the girls down in the bed of Phil's truck. We just thought that was a classic shot, one day they'll look back and laugh at this!
And right before we left to head back to Knoxville we got a shot w/ Chase and EK. Chase was a little sick over the weekend, turns out he had a sinus infection, so we couldn't let him play with the babies. He was so sweet, though, walking around saying "Baby Ju Ju" and "bless you, Ella Kate" (b/c EK sneezes all the time!). He's such a well behaved little boy! And he definitely keeps us entertained; plastic hot dog, anyone? Thanks for a fun weekend, K, P, C, and JuJu! Sure wish you guys lived a little closer, that drive will wear you out!