These pictures are for Gama. Ella Kate LOVES to grasp on to things-- anything will do! Gama bought this O-Ball for EK when she was here last. Since we can't let her sleep with stuffed animals, blankets, wash cloths, or other soft things she likes to hold on to, the O-Ball is perfect! She can grab it, swing it around, beat it on the crib and mattress, or on herself, all without getting hurt or running the risk of suffocation. So here is a typical shot of EK napping, with the O-Ball. Thanks, Gama!

EK all dolled up for a visit from Mimi and Pops. Preppy chick, huh?! Seriously, a Polo dress and knee-high socks-- she's ready for school!
Don't worry, no one has forgotten about the girls! They got spiffy new hair cuts last week. This picture struck me as funny b/c Abbey is actually sleeping with her head on Lacey's butt. It looks like she's just lifting her head up, but no, she's sound asleep. Crazy doggies!
Easter Sunday
Our church did something I've never seen before, but I'm not all that worldly when it comes to church services. They had a "mini" cross covered in ivy and all the children took tiny bouquets of wild flowers and put them on the cross. Ella Kate got to participate (with a little help),but mostly she tried to eat the flowers. I brushed off a few petals before we snapped the picture.
Some shots after the Easter service. Mimi and Pops came in town for the weekend and a couple of extra days. We had a great visit, and as always, Ella Kate loved the attention! They are so great with her, and we appreciated the extra hands!
Ella Kate and her daddy. Poor thing had on so many layers! It was tough to get a 5 month old dressed in a slip, diaper cover, the dress, sweater, bib, and little booties that laced up. She was so patient while Mommy fumbled with all those tiny buttons! It'll be easier when she can sit up on her own :)
A silly attempt at an Easter photo shoot. EK on her boppy (to give the appearance that she's sitting up a little) covered in a satin blanket (which was supposed to just give a nice background and instead looks like she's floating on a cloud). The basket on the left of the picture is her new one and the one on the right is Chris' from when he was little.

Oh how I LOVE this picture. I had gotten her almost undressed when I remembered the Pooh shot. She looked SO sweet in her little slip. She's really such a wonderful baby. Happy, patient, observant, and playful. We are so very lucky!
1 comment:
Love the pics! She is getting to that fun age, where she will be able to sit up and play! And what a good idea to let her sleep with the Oball. I never thought about that with Chase; he would have loved it!
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