Mustn't forget the bows for my precious bald baby girl! In some of these pictures she looks like a beautiful baby boy! Oh well, she comes by it honestly as I didn't have any hair until I was almost 3! Mom said people were always complimenting her on her little quarterback!

And mommy said I wouldn't have blonde hair....

Weight: 13.6 lbs (46%)
Height: 24.25 in (45%)
Head Circumference: 40.9cm (~50%)
Oh yeah, and today she rolled over from tummy to back! It really freaked her out, so I don't know if she'll be doing it again any time soon, but it is progress!
Look at her with toys! And she rolled over, Wow! I love the outdoor pictures!!
Hate that I missed you last week.Let me know when you are going to be in JC next time. She looks great with her little bows. I love them!!TIffany
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