Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mom and Dad came in for the weekend for Dad's 65th, too bad we forgot to take any pictures! So here are some to document the 27th week-- first week of the 3rd trimester! Only 13 weeks left! Lacey and Abbey were posing so well until we actually snapped the pictures; the little white one chewing on my ear is Louie. He's an adorable bulldog puppy we've been dog-sitting.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

25 weeks pregnant! The countdown has begun. Just a few short months and our new baby will be here to keep us company (and awake and sleep deprived)!

Wonder how Lacey and Abbey will take to the new addition?! They'll certainly have to learn to share the attention... hope someone still remembers to feed them!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Two mamas-to-be! You can't really tell, but Kristen is about 8 weeks in this picture. Our babies will be about 4 months apart! Fun fact: neither of us is finding out the sex of these babies until they get here!

Chris and Kathryn practicing with Chase, Phil's and Kristen's 15 month old.

Baby's first Peachtree, July 4th, 2007. This was my 8th Peachtree Road Race and the first one I had to walk. It was hard at first, I always get caught up in the excitement of that huge crowd, but it was fun. Chris walked it with me and Jody ran. I definitely paid more attention to the spectators this year, and as always, we had a great time!