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Thursday, May 8, 2008

6 month check up

Ella Kate had her 6 month check up today. Among other things we discovered that what we thought was teething may have just been a virus. She had a fever and lots of congestion which could be the symptoms of many different things, but according to her blood work she's getting over a virus. So, on that note, she now has an ear infection-- yipee! This would certainly explain the fussiness lately. Hopefully the course of antibiotics will do the trick without any yeast infections or thrush!
She also got several vaccinations today-- one orally and three shots in her tiny little baby thighs. She cried, but not as bad as when she had her ears checked.
Here are her stats:
Height: 25.6 in -- 40th %
Weight: 15.2 oz-- 30th %
Head circumference: 39th %
That sounds kinda small, but the pediatrician assured me that she's totally normal and will probably have a big growth spurt this summer.
She's a wonderfully active sweet angel. She can almost sit up by herself, so we practice a lot. She loves observing anything and everything, especially her doggies. She really examines an object, studies it, looks it over, and then puts it in her mouth. Everything goes in the mouth for final approval! She's becoming more snugly-- hugging us around the neck and nuzzling against our shoulders, necks, or in my hair. She cuddles with her teddy, Francine, and definitely has favorite toys. She loves her johnny jump up from Aunt Melissa and makes jumping motions even when she's not in it! She still only has some peach fuzz on her head, but that'll catch up. She's got beautifully smooth skin that I just can't stop kissing! She's started some baby foods- green beans, sweet peas, squash, zucchini, bananas, and prunes. Oddly, the only thing she didn't like was the bananas, but when I mixed them with prunes she didn't seem to mind. She "talks" all the time and tries out new sounds with her voice daily. Lately, it's been this really high pitched squeal-- similar to a cat's cry. She says a few double consonants like ma-ma da-da and our favorite, bop-bop, along with aaaaa and some aa-boo! She reaches for toys single handed and also bigger objects with both hands. She even participated in a study over at UT's Child Development Lab for eye movement and object tracking. It was really cool! Lastly, we're also working on the sippy cup. Right now she thinks it's just another toy.

Juleps and Jockeys
The girls all dolled up with our sun hats.
Kathryn, Kellie, and Laura

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