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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I've never been tagged before! Catherine tagged me for this theme:
Six Quirky Things about You...Here are the rules:
*Link the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them. are my quirks (yes, I'm a quirky girl!)...
1. I'm a nerd. I love math. I was on the math team, "Math Counts," in school. I count all the time--it calms me. I think about math when I run; I look at things and think of them in terms of numbers; I even like paying the bills b/c of the math that comes with it. I once told Chris "Don't talk to me if you can't put it in an Excel Spreadsheet."
1b. I can't take a joke-- it's not that I don't like jokes, it's just that I don't get them! I take everything so literally that I over analyze the details and miss the funny part. So, if I don't laugh at something funny you say, or I just smile and nod, it's because I'm busy thinking out the finer points. Same goes for movies-- I'm a terrible movie watcher. I apologize in advance-- don't sit next to me if that kind of thing bothers you! Chris has learned to adapt :)
2. My favorite FAVORITE show is "So You Think You Can Dance." After it comes anything on Food Network and the Discovery Channel. It's an obsession.
3. I hate it when the shower curtain touches me in the shower, this is one reason we have a shower door. I hate the feel of that wet plastic touching me!
4. I rub my feet together when I sleep. One time my mom thought there was an animal in my bed when she came in and saw something moving under the covers. Ella Kate does it too-- guess it's genetic!
5. I love... folk music! I was raised on Peter Paul and Mary and would listen to that stuff all day if it didn't make Chris crazy. It was my first concert; Chastain Park in Atl when I was, well, little.
6. I will recycle anything! I can't stand to throw away something that could possibly be recycled- to the point that I will take my trash with me. Even when we travel or go on vacation I take a trash bag to collect our recyclables and bring them back home!

And, I'm sure my friends could come up with a million more "quirks" about me, but unless they're funny, keep 'em to yourselves! Now, I'm tagging...1. Kristen 2. Meghan 3. Tiffany 4. Julie 5. Denise 6. Alison

Monday, June 23, 2008


Ella Kate was really tickled by these bubbles, but couldn't quite understand where they went as soon as she touched them. We now keep a little bottle in the car for entertainment on long trips!
The rest of our trip to Atlanta; the Georgia Aquarium!

Growing up in GA and always vacationing on the coast of Georgia or the Carolinas, I've been stung my share of times! Regardless, I am endlessly fascinated by these beautiful creatures. As amazing as they are, I dread the day EK comes in contact with one!

We lucked up and got to enjoy a free jazz concert-- apparently this is a regular Friday evening thing. It was really cool to listen to jazz as we toured the world's largest aquarium. It was a great evening and we can't wait to go with Ella Kate when she's old enough to enjoy it.

Think EK got any attention while we were gone???
OOOOHHHH, we missed her so much! It was great to be on our own schedule for the first time in 7 months, but we missed her so much! I called Mom every other 5 minutes to see what little thing she was doing at that moment. Mom gave her an old pot and lid and she had a great time banging them together and on the floor. She was spoiled rotten, and we were happy to let them!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pass the margarita, Parrotheads!

Nothing like hanging out with good friends in Paradise! Buffett concert with 30,000 (+) of our closest friends crammed into Lakewood Amphitheater in Atl last Thursday. Shay & Brian joined us for a wonderful trip sans babies! Thanks to all the grandparents for giving us a much needed break!

Oh the things you'll see at a Buffett concert! These people were crazy! It was a great time, as usual! A whole different latitude :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Catching up from the last month!

And finally our weekend came to an end and we had to go back home. What a crazy few days! It was wonderful, though!
Brunch with Amy-Chris and Jonathan
We met AC and Jon for brunch at the Cajun Queen before we headed home on Sunday. AC had these adorable wine bottle labels made to officially ask her girls to be bridesmaids. What a treat and such a special way to ask! I'm looking forward to their wedding-- they've narrowed down the location to either Charlotte, Hilton Head, Key West, the Caribbean, or Ireland! Any of those would be fantastic with me!
Lauran and that dang bustle! We all took turns hooking it back up, here's Jennifer (7 months preg) doing it again. Love those pink flip-flops on La!

Lauran's daddy, Fred, getting ready to walk her down the aisle. They held it together really well and looked stunning coming toward the alter.
Shane shed a few good tears as Lauran got close. It was really touching. I love that part of a wedding ceremony! It was a beautiful service.

Lauran's mama, Hazel, and daddy, Frank loved on EK the whole weekend. Hazel can't wait for some grandbabies! Frank and Hazel were at our wedding and we loved spending time with them for their little girl's big day.
She loved the jewelry Lauran gave us. That big bold strand of black beads was the first thing she reached for when I picked her up after the ceremony. She liked the earrings, too!

Chris kept Ella Kate with the other babies in the "Cry Room" during the ceremony. She seriously enjoyed "reading" the program :)

Preparing for the big event!

That veil was a challenge! All those bobby pins start to become dangerous weapons!
Lauran, who never wears lipstick, actually bought some of her own! I just had to convince her to wear some liner and then put it on for her!
Final Product! Doesn't she look GORGEOUS!!!

Rehearsal Dinner

Love that bouquet of ribbons, huh?! I made that, thank you! My creativity is boundless!

Bridesmaid's Luncheon
We had a wonderful lunch with Lauran and her girls.
(Kat & EK, Kristen & JuJu, Lauran, Jennifer (w/baby-to-be), Angelina, and in the front is Andrea, the flower girl)
EK got to visit with JuJu, and as you can see, is very interested in grabbing at all of her toys and blankets! She'll grab for anything!

Lauran's girls getting manis and pedis to kick off the wedding weekend.
(From left: Lauran, Mama Hazel, Mama Mary, Kat, and Ella Kate)

Pre-Wedding Trip to Charlotte

EK and I went to Charlotte a few weekends ago to do some last minute wedding stuff with Lauran. My camera battery died as soon as I got there,and La's been a little busy so she hasn't emailed me her pictures. EK had a GREAT time with her little dog, Bohdi. He ran and scurried about and she laughed like I've never seen. It was so very cute! I wish I had it on video for AFV-- we could win big bucks!

Ella Kate posing as the new Home Depot Design Center model! We made a quick trip with Aunt Lauran to get extra keys made for her visiting guests and couldn't resist some pictures. If you look closely you'll see us in the mirror on the right :)