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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I've never been tagged before! Catherine tagged me for this theme:
Six Quirky Things about You...Here are the rules:
*Link the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them. are my quirks (yes, I'm a quirky girl!)...
1. I'm a nerd. I love math. I was on the math team, "Math Counts," in school. I count all the time--it calms me. I think about math when I run; I look at things and think of them in terms of numbers; I even like paying the bills b/c of the math that comes with it. I once told Chris "Don't talk to me if you can't put it in an Excel Spreadsheet."
1b. I can't take a joke-- it's not that I don't like jokes, it's just that I don't get them! I take everything so literally that I over analyze the details and miss the funny part. So, if I don't laugh at something funny you say, or I just smile and nod, it's because I'm busy thinking out the finer points. Same goes for movies-- I'm a terrible movie watcher. I apologize in advance-- don't sit next to me if that kind of thing bothers you! Chris has learned to adapt :)
2. My favorite FAVORITE show is "So You Think You Can Dance." After it comes anything on Food Network and the Discovery Channel. It's an obsession.
3. I hate it when the shower curtain touches me in the shower, this is one reason we have a shower door. I hate the feel of that wet plastic touching me!
4. I rub my feet together when I sleep. One time my mom thought there was an animal in my bed when she came in and saw something moving under the covers. Ella Kate does it too-- guess it's genetic!
5. I love... folk music! I was raised on Peter Paul and Mary and would listen to that stuff all day if it didn't make Chris crazy. It was my first concert; Chastain Park in Atl when I was, well, little.
6. I will recycle anything! I can't stand to throw away something that could possibly be recycled- to the point that I will take my trash with me. Even when we travel or go on vacation I take a trash bag to collect our recyclables and bring them back home!

And, I'm sure my friends could come up with a million more "quirks" about me, but unless they're funny, keep 'em to yourselves! Now, I'm tagging...1. Kristen 2. Meghan 3. Tiffany 4. Julie 5. Denise 6. Alison

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